ibland är livet lustigt

i feel sometimes that thing happenes for a reason. if a was, a frog. i would say that all things that i do, as a frog. would effect everybody else. in the whole universe infact. by that i mean, that if i, as a frog would eat my friend, who also was, a frog. i would probubly get som sexuall disesses or how the hellt that's spelled. it's a serius teory. just like the big bang teory or any oter teory. teory is a perfect word for cats, and cats in egypt are really terrificc. a love cats. just as much as a love my penis. it is beatiful and a think it has grown that last few day infact. becaouse i've been drinking som ligoiid. but enoffhhf about that, what i want to say about this memo. as in the batman begins movie thata every humen in sweden could se last night. it's a good movie- but the thing i think of things in the thingy movie. is the frog that looks like a dog in the begin. the frog says that he s,eööds like shit infact. really reaally bad. like the dog in sporthallen. it's dirty and it runs a lot. messi would be a dog if he was born as one. what's the diffrence between a man and a animal. nothing according to me becouse both of us have a heart. and that's pretty. love it. maybe a should be a photograph when i get old. and nickelback can sing about me. i miss my wingman for that matter, when i talk about things in the this thingilyland i live in. he's a good boy with a great vision of life. just love him. kisses and hugses on you. now the tv says "don't you dare writh anything more". then a think, it can be to me, becouse a horse cant talk in this virtuall world. i feel sorry that d.p sleeps couse i'm going to bite him. sleep tight and don't let the bedbugs bite.
horse elephant val are my favurites animals. i love them. pure thinks that he is better then me, but i doesent smoke, so he and all other gangmembers can't beat me. 86 minitues to go. bye

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